I love jokes. I love laughing at my own jokes & if other people laugh too that's even better. I love making fun of myself & I love puns about eggs. I love yolks. They crack me up. Sometimes I get scrambled & they're poached or deviled, but even if they're a bit runny - as in my diarrhea yolks - things usually turn out sunny side up.



What did the recovering alcoholic say when the judge offered him a bottle of vodka? “I’ll take the fifth!”


Do you know how much a pound weighs on the moon? It depends how many dogs are in it.


Why don’t NFL quarterbacks wear glasses? Everybody knows football is a Contac sport.


A scribe got fired just because of her blood type. Yeah, it was type-O.


I never graduated from music school because I funked out.


“Puntoons” are short stories that are packed with as many puns as possible relating to a single theme. For example, the Cheese Puntoon to the right incorporates thirty or so cheese puns while telling a story of two young brothers in the middle of an argument. Cheyenne & I are currently making a book of Puntoons that will use the ocean, vegetables, planets, trees, flowers & birds as pun themes for various silly stories.

A cheesy page-spread preview of Cheyenne & I’s forthcoming book of Puntoons.

A cheesy page-spread preview of Cheyenne & I’s forthcoming book of Puntoons.

Let me know if you want a copy of my recent chapbook of original jokes!

Let me know if you want a copy of my recent chapbook of original jokes!

a ballsack walks into a bar … & other groan-evoking jokes

Yes, I am a published author in the world of humor. Published so long as typing, printing, folding & stapling a book of jokes together counts as being published. Fine excerpts from this 60-joke collection coming soon…